
chapter 13

Chapter 13
1) What’s heredity?
Heredity is the transmission of traits from parents to offspring.
2) What’s genetics?
Genetics is the scientific study of heredity.
3) What’s locus?
Locus is the physical location of a gene in a chromosome.

1) Reproduction is a method of copying genes to pass them on to offspring. Two main types:
Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction

1. Heredity: The transmission of traits from parents to offspring.
2. Gene: The DNA for a trait.
3. Locus: The physical location of a gene in a chromosome.
4. Reproduction: A method of copying genes to pass them on to offspring.
5. Diploid: 2 sets of chromosomes which is most common in somatic cells.
6. Haploid: 1 set of chromosomes. Number in the gametes or sex cells.
7. Crossing-over: The exchange of sister chromatids material during synapsis. It
occurs ONLY in prophase I.
8. Chiasmata: The point of contact where two chromosomes are crossing-over.
9. Synapsis: Tetrad formation or genetic rearrangement.
10. Interkinesis: No DNA synthesis occurs.


